

September 18th, 2019

‘Have confidence in this great place that we live in’, is the message coming out of many recent events in Mackay. At these local gatherings and discussions, it is being reinforced that Mackay truly is a great place to live in and that we should be confident in doing business here. And it’s becoming less of a secret to the outside world now.

One such event was the Urban Development Institute of Australia’s recent market update for Mackay. Craig Stack, the Director of Knight Frank in Townsville, compared Mackay’s current economic status to our neighbouring regional centres of Cairns, Townsville and Rockhampton. Craig’s data weighed up key statistics in consumption, employment, population, income and both new and existing housing. Mackay’s housing market is leading the way in Queensland with 21 of our suburbs having an increase in Median Sale price since the bottom of the market in 2016. But it was not only Craig who has confidence in Mackay’s market.

Rob Sobyra, the Director from CSQ (Construction Skills Queensland) who is based in Brisbane, spoke of how the construction outlook in the Mackay region is extremely positive due to various major infrastructure and mining projects. Rob even went as far as forecasting a worker shortage in the next couple of years based on their data.

Recent buyer activity suggests that the message is getting out there with more than 70 sale contracts signed so far for the September Quarter at Gardian alone.

Be confident in Mackay. The rest of the state is.