Live,Work and Play in Mackay

Live,Work and Play in Mackay

June 17th, 2019

Mackay is
the best place to live, work and play; is the message coming out of many recent
events in our area. At these local gatherings and discussions, it is being
reinforced that Mackay truly is a great place to live in. And it’s becoming
less of a secret to the outside world now.

Regional Investment Prospectus, put together by The Mackay Regional Council,
provides a detailed overview of our area and its advantages as a destination to
invest, do business and live. Please see the link below.

buyer activity suggests that the message is getting out there with another 7
sale contracts signed in the last week at Gardian alone.

Mackay is a
great place to live, work and play in. Let’s be grateful and let others know.